Saturday, 26 May 2007

Hirai Ken - Ring

Uma das minhas cancoes favoritas do Hirai Ken. La esta, nao percebo nada do que ele diz, mas esse e o encanto da musica: amar a coisa sem entende-la! E, como complemento, o video desta cancao e tao lindo: a preto e branco, conta a historia de uma qualquer familia japonesa que se reencontra em casa dos pais, no campo. E termina com cada um a regressar a sua casa entonando esta cancao...

One of my favorite songs by Hirai Ken. Then again, I have no idea of what is singing about, but that's the charm about music in general: we don't need to understand it to love it! Besides, the video for this song is really cool: black and white, telling a story about a family meeting at the parents' place, somewhere in the countryside. It ends with the people going back to their lives singing this song...

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Plavalaguna - Lucia di Lammermoor

Para quem nao se lembra, esta cena e do "Quinto Elemento", um filme extraordinario. E esta cena, digo eu, e a melhor do filme. Nao e so a caracterizacao e a cena de pancadaria nos entretantos, mas sim o climax que a propria musica permite.
E, caso nao saibam, e mesmo uma pessoa a cantar! E uma albanesa chamada Inva Mula-Tchako (ainda bem que tem mais um nome... ter o sobrenome "Mula" nao 'ta com nada).

For those who haven't been taking their memory pills, this is part of "The Fifth Element", an amazing movie. And this part is, as far as I can tell, the best in the movie. It's not only the make-up and all the punching in between, but also the climax that the song itself presents.
And, if you are not aware of it already, it's a real person singing! It's an Albanian lady called Inva Mula-Tchako.

Saturday, 12 May 2007

Marija Serifovic - Molitva

Esta menina ganhou o ultimo concurso da Eurovisao. Nao se percebe nada da cancao (parece a minha vida diaria no Japao!), mas que a voz dela e potente, la isso e. E a musica e bem boa!
Foi interessante, porem, ouvir dizer na BBC que os paises da Europa de Leste estao feitos uns com os outros e que controlam completamente a competicao... Mas, entao, se eles sao bons, porque nao?!

This lady won the last Eurovision Song Contest. I don't understand a thing of the song (just like my daily life in Japan!), mas her voice is indeed good! And the song is pretty cool too!
It was interesting, though, listening people on BBC saying that Eastern European countries give points to each others and that they are in control of the competition... I wonder, if these countries are really good, why not?!

Sunday, 6 May 2007

O sitio do pica pau amarelo.

Quem nao se lembra disto!? Nao e delicioso!? A Cuca era mesmo ma! Chica!

Everybody from my age and older remembers this one from their childhood. Just great!