Vi este video no outro dia e chorei. A musica e linda, mas nao e isso. O velhote faz-me lembrar o Norberto e ver esta familia reunida faz-me lembrar que de isso jamais sera possivel quando regressar. Prometi a mim mesmo nao voltar a ver este video, pela simples razao de que o Norberto, e eu sei-o, nao me querera ver a chorar!
De other day I watched this video and cried. The song is beautiful, but it wasn't because of it. The old man reminds me of Norberto, my grandfather, and seeing this family together reminds me that that will never again be possible when I go back. I promised to myself never to watch this video again, for one simple reason: my grandfather doesn't want me to cry! I know it!
De other day I watched this video and cried. The song is beautiful, but it wasn't because of it. The old man reminds me of Norberto, my grandfather, and seeing this family together reminds me that that will never again be possible when I go back. I promised to myself never to watch this video again, for one simple reason: my grandfather doesn't want me to cry! I know it!