Thursday, 31 January 2008

Caetano Veloso - Cucurrucucu paloma

Se ha filmes que sao bons, sao os de Pedro Almodovar. Ha anos que me deslumbro com o genio deste homem. Os universos cheios de personagens loucas e quase impossiveis que ele cria, quando tudo se resume a mera condicao humana. Genial!
E genial e, tambem, este pequeno pedaco de melodia celestial que Caetano canta. Em mais um filme optimo, claro esta!

If there are good movies out there, the ones by Pedro Almodovar certainly are some of them. For years now, I am in awe with the genius this man is. He creates stories full of weird and almost impossible characters when the real stories come down to just being human. Genius!
And this little piece of music made in heaven and sung by Caetano is genius as well. In yet another amazing movie by Pedro, of course!

Monday, 28 January 2008

Knight Rider

Liguei a televisao e la esta o Michael com o seu bichano, o Kitt. Nao resisti e decidi partilhar esta maravilha com o mundo! O que eu adorava o Kitt! Confesso que, secretamente, ainda o adoro!

I turned the tv on and there were Michael and his pussycat, Kitt. I couldn't resist sharing this wonder with the rest of the world! I loved Kitt! And I must confess that, deep down, I still love it!

Friday, 25 January 2008

Elis Regina - Aguas de Marco

Para dizer a verdade, eu queria aqui por "O menino das laranjas", mas nao o consigo encontrar. Deve andar a vender noutra freguesia.
Seja como for, ca fica a Elis, com a sua voz inigualavel, com as suas palavras tao limpas e sempre cheias de sentimento!

To tell tou the truth, I wanted to post "O menino das laranjas" (literally, "the oranges boy"), but I couldn't find him. Maybe he's selling his oranges somewhere else.
Anyway, here's Elis, with her unique voice, with her clear and overwhelming words!

Monday, 21 January 2008

Madredeus - Alfama

Os Madredeus preenchem o meu imaginario desde puto. A voz da Teresa Salgueiro e inigualavel e achei por bem escolher uma musica deles, agora que o grupo parece estar a chegar ao fim...
A cancao e optima, nao so porque e sobre a minha linda Lisboa, mas porque a melodia e as palavras parecem ter sido escolhidas com uma precisao de um ourives.

Madredeus are part of my life since I was a kid. Teresa Salgueiro's voice is unique and I thought it would be nice to post a song by them, now that the group seems to be coming to an end...
The song is great, not only because it's about my beloved Lisboa, but also because the melody and the words seem to have been chosen with the precision of a goldsmith.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Maria Callas - O mio banbbino caro

Ca esta outra senhora de quem gosto muito. Lembro-me de ouvir a sua voz e de ficar calmo em momentos de maior agitacao. Nao sei o que ela tinha na sua voz, mas seria certamente algo de magico e, pelo menos ate hoje, algo de unico.
So nao compreendo como e que alguem se pode deixar morrer de amor. Uma mulher com uma personalidade tao forte e que se deixou levar, ja completamente so, por um amor que terminara...

And here's yet another lady I really like. I remember listening to her voice and getting calmer in moments of true agitation. I don't know what she had in her voice, but I am sure it was something magical and, at least until today, unparalleled.
The only thing I don't understand is how can someone die out of love. Such a strong character, this woman, who let her self go, by then all alone, by a love that had already come to an end...

Friday, 18 January 2008

Faithless - Insomnia

Adoro esta musica... Aquele teclado que aparece quando o gajo se cala e optimo. E a maneira como ele diz "can't" parece-me tao polida. Em pleno contraste com o resto da coisa!

I love this song... The keys that pop up when he stops is just great. And the way he says "can't" just sounds so polite. In clear contrast to the rest of the thing!

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Hirai Ken - Bye my melody

Ca esta o Hirai Ken de volta. Com uma bela musica. Mas e o video que faz as minhas delicias! Esta genial!

And Hirai Ken is back on the blog. With a very nice song. But I think it's the video that makes a difference. It's just soooo cool!

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Sting and Cheb Mami - Desert Rose

Foi nos idos tempos de uma bela viagem a Tunisia que esta musica saiu. Ainda hoje a acho espectacular. A conjugacao das duas vozes e genial e, convenhamos, o Sting e muito bom no que faz.
E eu ate sei o que e uma rosa do deserto. A Tunisia nao foi so ramboia, mas tambem cultura!

It was long ago, when I went to Tunisia, that this song came out. Still today, I think it's really good. Their two voices together work out just great and, let's face it, anything Sting does is good!
And I even know what a desert rose is. You see, Tunisia wasn't just partying. It was learning as well!

Monday, 7 January 2008

Amalia Rodrigues - Barco Negro

Hoje apeteceu-me voltar as origens. E ca fica o meu fado favorito: Barco Negro. A letra e fantastica, a melodia genial e a interpretacao e, quanto a mim, inigualavel!

Today I felt like going back to my Portuguese origin. And here's my favorite fado: Barco Negro, meaning "Dark Boat". The lyrics is amazing, the melody magnificent and the interpretation is, as far as I'm concerned, unique.